Saturday, May 18, 2019

Ancestral lands: Trim and the Boyne River

Image by Denise Sallee. All Rights Reserved, 2019.

Walking among my ancestors along the banks of the Boyne River in May.  Exploring, imagining and conjuring up my mythic and historic past. In the dark of winter 1996 I came to Trim at the end of my first sojourn in Ireland. I was tired and ready to return home. From Kildare I had driven to Trim and checked into Brogan's, a room above the pub. Here, I told myself, I would spend my last few days in quiet, recouping somewhat from what had come before.  And, preparing myself for re-entry into what I believed then was the real world that waited for me in California.

Then I met Bóinn ~ the Irish goddess of the River Boyne. She spoke, I listened, and was forever changed. 

Trim and the river have been a central part of every trip to Ireland since that time.  Even when I lived for one incredible year in North Leitrim, I spent time on the Boyne.
Image by Denise Sallee. All Rights Reserved, 2019.

Very recently I returned to Ireland after nearly nine years.  I decided to wait until my last four days to go to Trim and again I took a room over the pub at Brogan's.  I spent many hours each day walking the banks of the Boyne - usually very early in the morning or at twilight. This time, however, I had knowledge of ancestors who had walked as I did along the river. The family, Anglo-Normans from Wales, were in Meath as early as 1200 and closely associated with the de Lacy and Mortimer families. So now I communed with Bóinn and with my ancient ancestors.  Trim castle, situated along her banks, held deeper meaning for me now.

Image by Denise Sallee. All Rights Reserved, 2019.

Trim is a portal to the past.  The castle, the ruins of the old abbey and many other locations evoke a powerful sense of history. 

Image by Denise Sallee. All Rights Reserved, 2019.

Image by Denise Sallee. All Rights Reserved, 2019.
Image by Denise Sallee. All Rights Reserved, 2019.

And, there will always be the river....
Image by Denise Sallee. All Rights Reserved, 2019.